Cystic Fibrosis & Bronchiectasis Care Redefined

Cystic Fibrosis & Bronchiectasis Care Redefined

Welcome to Atlanta’s Premium Cystic Fibrosis & Bronchiectasis Service

Let us introduce ourselves...

Our mission is to create a service that works for your lifestyle. You deserve a clinic that is in tune with your needs and helps you reach your life goals. When you become a PCCA patient you gain access to a team of supportive doctors, nurses and medical assistants with your lung health as their top priority. 

You will have access to a host of the best physicians and surgeons in the Sandy Springs area to ensure you get the very best attention and care. Part of your personalized treatment plan may involve pulmonary rehabilitation which is delivered at Northside Hospital. Any testing which cannot be performed in the clinic can be done seamlessly at Northside Hospital across the road.

We promise to get you to the best version of yourself.

introduction PCCA cystic fibrosis center
bronchiectasis genetics

Detailed Genetic Analysis

Part of your assessment will involve genetic testing looking for rare causes of hereditary lung diseases and including mild and rare forms of cystic fibrosis

bronchiectasis lung function test

Detailed Lung Function Assessments

Pulmonary function testing, lung imaging,  stress tests and full physiological measurements such as cardiopulmonary exercise testing will give us  all the data you need to understand your disease

tailored treatment plan cystic fibrosis

Tailored Treatment Plan

No two patients are alike. That’s why we believe in collaborating with you to create a management plan that is as unique as you

haider ali cystic fibrosis md

Haider Ali, MD

Cystic Fibrosis &
Bronchiectasis Specialist

Seeing someone being unable to catch their breath still has a visceral effect on me. If I could help just one person feeling breathless, it would all be worth it.  

About Dr. Ali

Haider Ali was born and raised in the United Kingdom. He completed undergraduate and medical education at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. He spent time in The Gambia, West Africa caring for patients with tuberculosis and HIV infection. His postgraduate training took him to the University of Liverpool and Imperial College, London where he completed a pulmonary fellowship in West London Hospitals including Charing Cross Hospital, St. George’s Hospital and the Royal Brompton Hospital. He completed an internal medicine residency at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York before undertaking a pulmonary and critical care fellowship at Emory University in Atlanta. He has been funded by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and continues to be a strong advocate for patients with all forms of  bronchiectasis. Outside of work Dr. Ali enjoys soccer, traveling with his family and finding the best ice cream in town.

“It’s about time the spotlight was shone on bronchiectasis and people get the specialist care they deserve. When managed well, people can live full, healthy lives without the inconvenience of hospitalizations. My career aim is to provide a lifetime of  support for people with CF and bronchiectasis through patient care, education and advocacy."


Undergraduate Education University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Medical Education University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Pulmonary Fellowship Imperial College of Medicine, London
Medical Internship Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York
Medical Residency Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York
Pulmonary Fellowship Emory University, Atlanta


Member of the Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh)
Board Certified Internal Medicine
Board Certified Critical Care Medicine
Board Cerfitied Pulmonary Medicine
American College of Chest Physicians (member)
American Thoracic Society (member)
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (fellow)

Honors & Awards

Semi-finalist in the Junior Investigators Best Abstract in Basic Science Award at the North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference

Finalist in the Adult Fellows session at the North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference

 Fellows’ Teaching Award voted Best Teacher by internal medicine residents | Emory University School of Medicine

Peer Review Award for the Best Clinical Teacher | Emory University School of Medicine

Outstanding Achievement in the Teaching of Medical Students, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Voted Best Overall House Staff at Jacobi Medical Center

Outstanding Achievement in the Teaching of Medical Students, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Winner of Best Case Report Presentation at ACCP CHEST Meeting

Voted Best Ambulatory Care Resident at Jacobi Medical Center

Voted Best Overall House Staff at Jacobi Medical Center

Publications & Presentations

Ali H. Mild Cystic Fibrosis vs. CFTR-related disorder in adulthood – That is the question! Finalist in the Adult Fellows session at the 32nd Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference in Denver 2018

Ali H, Icyuz M, Kelly S, Rab A, Hong JS, Bedwell DM, Hartman IV JL, Sorscher EJ, Oliver KE. Suppression of peroxisome and ribosomal constituents partially restores plasma membrane localization and function of W1282X-CFTR. Semi-finalist in the Junior Investigators Best Abstract in Basic Science Award at the 32nd Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference in Denver 2018

Ali H, Oliver KE, Icyuz M, Kelly S, Rab A, Hong JS, Bedwell DM, Hartman IV JL, Sorscher EJ. High-Throughput Yeast Phenomics Identifies Genetic Modifiers that Partially Rescue Human W1282X-CFTR. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 197; 2018: A3877

Ali H, Ajani S, Cohen L, Neujahr D, Hurtik M, Hunt WR. The effect of bone mineral density on outcomes after lung transplantation in adults with cystic fibrosis. Pediatr Pulmonol Suppl. 52; 2017: S1‐S776

Ali H, Orchard C, Mariveles M, Scott S, Bilton D, Simmonds NJ. An effective strategy for managing new and recurrent pseudomonas aeruginosa cultures in adults with cystic fibrosis. Eur Respir J. 2015 Oct;46(3): 862-5. doi:10.1183/09031936.00225914

Chang YJ, Ali H, Draper A, Chua F. An unusual cause of cyanosis in a patient with COPD. BMJ Case Rep. 2013 Mar 1;2013. pii: bcr2012008092. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2012-008092.

Fletcher TE, Ali H, Ryall C, Beeching NJ, Joekes E, Lewthwaite P. The benefits of an Infectious Disease/Radiology Multidisciplinary Team Meeting. J Infect. 2012 Oct;65(4):363-5. doi:10.1016/j.jinf.2012.05.007

Ali MH, Kalima P, Maxwell SR. Failure to implement hospital antimicrobial prescribing guidelines: a comparison of two UK academic centres. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2006 May;57(5):959-62. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkl076

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Northside Hospital Atlanta Campus

960 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite 500
     Atlanta GA 30328

(404) 257 0006

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